Just another BVS6 Sites site
October, 22 - 24 2012 - Washington, DC - USA

VHL6 – Virtual Meeting Invitation – October 2nd 2012

Session in English – Tuesday, October 2nd 2012 at 11:30am (São Paulo time)

Following preparation meetings prior to the 6th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL (VHL6), we invite the members of the VHL Network and the National Coordinating Centers to attend the closing meeting of virtual meetings of the Working Groups (WGs) 1, 2 and 3, of the VHL6. This online meeting aims to share a summary of the Working Group meetings and to prepare for the VHL6 plenary meeting to be held before the CRICS9 in Washington, DC, on 20 and 21 October 2012.


Elluminate:  http://www.paho.org/virtual/bireme
